Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pirate ship or Cattle Barge?

Last May, David Carr was puttering along the mangroves across from Rumrunners in Cape Coral, when he saw something strange in the ochre shallows: rows of seaweed growing in straight lines. Looking closer, Carr noticed the plants were growing from what looked like a ship’s ribs; when he hauled up the anchor, a tarred plank came up with it.

Carr, 46, was convinced he’d discovered a British pirate ship, captured and scuttled by the U.S. Navy at the end of the Civil War. Never mind that last month, a team of state archaeologists concluded it’s a barge that once hauled cattle across the Caloosahatchee; Carr disagrees. He’s certain he found historic treasure.

Whatever it is it's certainly old and a piece of local history.

Here is the Fort Myers News press link to the full article:

Wink News link:

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